With Over a Century of Combined Experience
Two Offices
Graham Woodhouse Conveyancing has two offices situated at 4 Cattley Street, Burnie and 56 Best Street, Devonport in Tasmania.
In addition to Graham, the firm employs ten highly experienced conveyancing staff with over 175 years combined experience in conveyancing work. We attend to conveyancing work throughout the whole of Tasmania, King Island and Flinders Island.
Graham has 50 years experience in conveyancing and carries full professional indemnity insurance coverage. We attend to preparation of all documents including Contracts for Sale of property, obtaining the necessary searches in relation to the sale and purchase of property, settlement & completion of the transaction and the transfer of the title from the Vendor to the Purchaser.
Graham Woodhouse Conveyancing is a member of:
The Australian Institute of Conveyancers
The Australian Conveyancing Group
Australian Institute of Conveyancers (Tas) Division
Book an appointment
Graham Woodhouse conveyancing is a member of the
Australian Institute of Conveyancers, the
Australasian Conveyancing Group (with referral offices in Adelaide, Auckland (NZ), Brisbane, Darwin, Gold Coast/Tweed Heads, Hawthorn (Vic), Perth and Sydney and the Australian Institute of Conveyancers (Tas) Division.
ABN: 16109898240
Phone: 03 6431 1222
Email: email@gwcmail.com.au
Address: 4 Cattley Street Burnie TAS 7320
Business Hours
Phone: 03 6423 3839
Email: email@gwcmail.com.au
Address: 56 Best Street Devonport TAS 7310
Business Hours